Path of Exile's Endgame Is Much More Engaging

Overall, Path of Exile is an awesome game with lots of things to do. The build diversity is exciting, new content is constantly added, its free to play without shoving microtransactions down your throat and has an engaging endgame that has a clear path of progression.


The only thing that I consider to be a downside is the difficulty for new players. When I first played the game, I didn't look up any information about how many offensive/defensive passives to take in the skill tree, the importance of linking skill gems together, or important stats to look for on pieces of gear.

After playing both Diablo 3 and Path of Exile, I have concluded that Diablo 3 offers an easier and more laid back levelling experience, while falling short in the endgame content. Path of Exile may take some dedication to make it through the levelling portion, but the endgame is more than worth it. In Diablo 3, it was easy to switch a build on the fly while levelling, which let you try a lot of playstyles and find the one that suited you. In Path of Exile, the skills you gather feel permanent (although they can be changed) which leads to more attachment to the character you are playing.

However, Path of Exile's endgame is (in my opinion) much more engaging than Diablo 3's endgame. Path of Exile has a modifier system to affect armor, weapons, jewels and even the maps that you clear during endgame. While Diablo 3 scales enemy health and damage as the level of the map (or rift, in Diablo's case) increases, Path of Exile increases the effect that modifiers have on maps. THIS is where the difficulty and sense of accomplishment comes from. In addition, Path of Exile has a variety of endgame bosses to gear up for, kill and eventually farm, which is much more entertaining than the few reskinned endgame bosses that Diablo has.

All in all, I wholeheartedly recommend that you try Path of Exile if you are still considering it. If you are starting the game and finding it to be a bit slow, don't worry, it speeds up considerably as you progress through the game. Good luck, exile!

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Path of Exile - What Mines Build Are You Running?

Vaal pact and leech is so easy to get with attacks and its currently the best sustain mechanic. Easy access to dodge, better nodes. How to even sustain spell build?Spells don't need accuracy or a good weapon to perform. They purely require investment on the tree, a 5/6L and levels. Spell builds absolutely have access to dodge - there is a lot of generic physical, chaos and projectile scaling on the right of the tree. Just a remind, don't forget to from to buy poe currency, which is the best choice for path of exile orbs services on the market!


Selfcast.. not much. I've been pissed off about this ever since Piety was endgame. Spark totems back then mostly iirc, totems and whatever even now. Spells have shitty leech anyway, so the only advantage of selfcast is that it might have bit faster clear, maybe. Though, mines and traps are fine too. Almost like casting, except better. And they release shit like Shimmeron, just to make the point very clear. Self cast is not a supported playstyle, save oddities like RF+SR.

In my opinion, my build has cost me under 5ex total so far, but I've bought some pieces cheaper than they probably should have been.

2ex budget depends on current gear. You can get a decent shield and sceptre for under 2ex as a start. If youre running QOTF and its already linked, keep it for now. Try to find or craft a "places an additional mine" shaper helmet with life on it. Mines don't HAVE to be rocketed in helm for that, it's a global. If you get a good second support like spell damage, crit, hypothermia or inc air, better for you bit more expensive. Don't fall into the mine damage trap for other miner helmets, not worth. A tremor rod can work well for this build but it is absolutely going to feel a bit clunky. Part of that is movement skill limitations. I use shield charge and its just so much more fluid.

The other thing to run would be a couple CWDT setups. Detonate mines is a must for me, i also use phase run, summon ice golem, frostbite, convocation, and immortal call and another mana leech CWDT setup with bladefall and GC in it. Ice golem summon + convocation + Phase run dumps aggro to golem and let's me get away and reposition if I get hit.

Why Should PoE Nerf Exp Again Based on Hardcore Players Style?

Waited to make this thread until after a good night’s sleep, we were all pretty exhausted after the push but I wanted to write up something about our experiences with the ladder push this league as this race was one of the closest 100 races I've seen.


Sparrog had an awesome solo push this ladder with sunder just smashing out maps and trying to stay on top against the group teams until he was overtaken, at which point the plan was to just chill and go back to uni (the deadline for this was pretty much Monday in Aus which is today) while Gucci and I were playing pretty casual this league doing our own separate things.

During the International Race Event, I talked to Sparrog about a potential ladder push with Gucci after he finishes the races as Sparrog's solo push seemed to be dying down after being overtaken by both Yolonou's team and Voc's team by 141 million exp. The only problem was that we had all been up for around 8 hours at this point and Sparrog needed to push from 98.6 all the way to 100 in one sitting to try and overtake the other teams. We ended up finding the motivation after seeing the Voc price fixing thread for poorjoys, whether or not that was true we still didn't want the Voc team to win if we had a shot, so we pushed for 30 hours in what was the most neck and neck mapping I've ever experienced.

Sparrog’s atlas was still optimized for his solo mapping build, so we had to change his atlas and rebuild the map pool which ended up being a massive struggle and the deciding factor of the race. We were constantly running out of Waste Pool maps to run and had to use sextants, elder influence and even prophecies to try and stay in the higher tier maps as long as we could.

Gucci was almost falling asleep mid-map, Sparrog was running on cold soup and opening the occasional muesli bar during the pre-fight boss animation while I was constantly checking the ladder because poe-racing was down.

We had to pull out some unethical tricks with exp gear and someone opening/sextanting maps for us to minimize downtime but we managed to finally overtake them and maintain a slight lead in exp over their Poorjoys exp. It was a hell of a push, and all that I have to say after it is, nerf exp again.

For more path of exile tips and tricks, stay tuned to U4GM. You can choose where you can poe currency buy cheap.

Path of Exile - How To Easily Duplicate Items in Bestiary League

It doesn't seem intended, but hopefully GGG won't fix this. It's possible that this glitch may be deleted though, along with the items you duplicated, so I suggest using the poe items/currency as soon as you get them. There's a chance you may be banned for this, and if that happens, I apologise. You don't need a path of exile currency tab for this, though it will be very useful to have one.

How to do it?

It's easily done in 2 steps. The second one is unreliable though, it's mostly RNG.

Step 1: You need to get to Act 5 and defeat Innocence.

If you've already passed Act 5, it's fine, you can still warp back and complete this. Once you beat Innocence, Sin will appear and a cutscene will play. You need to make sure you watch the entire cutscene. If you already beat Innocence, you can still talk to Sin and it will play the cutscene.

Immediately after playing this cutscene, you need to take a portal out of the area, and take a way point to the Act 1 area: The Coast.

Step 2: Walk across The Coast until you encounter a beast.

You need to walk across the beach for the beast to spawn. This beast is kinda bugged, sometimes it will spawn in an area along the beach that you've already walked by.

The beast's name is all glitched, so you will easily recognise it when you see it. You have two options when the beast spawns, you can kill it, or you can capture it, either option will still duplicate your items.

I'd not advise this if you were a racer, or plan to get on the leaderboards for this league, as it will be obvious that you used this glitch, since using this will also cause your name to be be glitched out on the leaderboards.

Only use this if you're too lazy to grind Div Cards/Currency but you still want to have fun. Or to get 124 Leveling Books on your character.

PoE: Will Monsters That Are Shattered While Frozen be Able to be Captured?

As we are the best location online to poe buy currency, we also like to keep a close eye on what is happening in the world of Path of Exile. Content Update 3.2.0 and the Bestiary Challenge league are only a few days away. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the official trailer and full announcement. We have worked out a plan that will solve these issues and that can also be implemented in a fast timeframe.


Two proposed changes:

1) Restoring the Three-second Capture Window with Nets

I initially explained in the pre-release FAQ about Bestiary that nets gave a big time window to hurt monsters before the capture decision was made. We fully intended to have this in for release, but during the final polish pass, we tried to solve various soft exploits involving the three-second stuns by changing how this duration was calculated. The released version today could go as low as 0.2 seconds without us having considered how this ruined the goal of having a long capture window. I take full responsibility for this and we'll roll that change back. This will mean that the promise of being able to throw the net first and DPS second will actually be true. We'll find some other solution to those small stun abuse cases we were worried about.

While this massively helps with how capturing feels, it doesn't singlehandedly solve other feedback about the league. Our second proposed change does, however:

2) Being able to Capture Dead Beasts

GGG're going to introduce some new nets that can capture dead Beasts. You'll be able to kill monsters at your normal speed without slowing down, and then you throw this net onto the dead monsters. It'll find the rarest monster there and attach to it. Einhar has already demonstrated his skills at blood magic, so he's very capable of reviving the monster as he adds it to your Menagerie.

After this change is made, players who want to go fast or who deal so much damage that nothing stands a chance will still be able to capture whatever Beasts they want. Players who enjoy the existing capture mechanics can still use the regular series of nets, with the option of switching to the new ones if they feel the need later on.

We will prioritise these changes for very early in the workweek. Thanks for your patience, and I hope that people who found the launch capture mechanics frustrating will find the new ones a lot better. It is very important to take the time to level up at the beginning of the game. Whenever you need poe orbs, you can turn to U4GM for help. We has cheap poe orbs for sale.

Path of Exile, What Can We Use This Formula for?

As we are the best location online to buy poe currency, we also like to keep a close eye on what is happening in the world of Path Of Exile. Despite not having the base drop chance for every monster, we have more than enough to "emulate" the effects of various aspects of IIQ on our drops.

  • We assume that the ratio of monsters is 80n : 10m : 1r.
  • We input a multiplier to emulate the number of monsters on a map.
  • # of Monsters is automatically calculated based on the above 2 factors.
  • Drops/ monster is taking from the calculations above but converted to decimals
  • Total Drops/ monster is simply taking Drops/ monster multiplied by number of monsters.
  • Total drops is the sum of all 3 total drops/ monster.
  • All in all if we refer to the image earlier again, our simulated drop rate for this player running this map with this setup will be 364.88 rounded up to 365. Now all that is out of the way, we start with our first comparison between.


1. Bisco's Collar and The Ascetic

Turns out, the Bisco's Collar is merely 11.21% better than The Ascetic and that's not counting the increased IIQ The Ascetic provides for the final map boss. Now what if there are actually more white monsters, maybe a ratio 160:10:1? The numbers come out to around 264 drops for Biscos and 222 drops for Ascetic which yields a 19.12% difference, still really narrow.

2. Full IIQ and No IIQ

As you can see the person running full IIQ will obtain 57.61% more drops than someone who isn't assuming that by full IIQ, we mean 100% Biscos with 70% sheet IIQ. In order words, for every 1 map the IIQ player runs, the non-iiq player will need to run 1.5761 maps to match the number of drops.

3. Alchemy and No Alchemy

Straight up X% increase depending on how much the alchemy is going to give of course. What did you expect?

4. Full IIQ with friends & alc and No IIQ solo w/o alc

Well you're essentially 5.3 times more efficient than the solo player. However if you consider an equal split for all the drops between all 5 players in the group, then each player obtains approximately 166 drops which makes him still 26.09% more efficient than the solo player.

5. Full IIQ with friends & alc and No friends

The group is most definitely still more efficient than the solo player. However, it is worth noting that the difference may not be this wide especially considering how it takes more time to coordinate and split loot within a group.


Biscos Collar is only 11.21% better than The Ascetic. This is mostly due to the fact that it is almost impossible to push white monsters to guarantee a drop so Biscos is simply increasing the likelihood of a drop. It is however still the single amulet that gives the highest drop rate though. The difference between a player with full IIQ is definitely substantial (57.61%) enough that it's hard for a player without to catchup on efficiency simply from gear. I hope this guide can help you, more tricks and tips, you can visit our website Furthermore, there you will find the cheap POE items you want.

How To Right Use Witch Leveling Gear in Path of Exile?

Before you get into your specific builds, you’re going to want some generic leveling poe items. They aren’t necessary, but they will make your life a lot easier. If you’ve played much Path of Exile you’ll know these items off by heart, and probably have a set already. Either way, here we go.


Witch Leveling Gear

  • For the body, get a Tabula Rasa; this is pretty standard stuff. If you have money to burn, grab a +1 to level a socketed gems version. It’ll be about five times as expensive, but it’ll give you a nice boost to leveling up, particularly as a spellcaster. It will also let you use multiple wands (and not be limited to Lifesprigs) if you want to. As for weapons, you will want to get dual wield Lifesprigs.
  • For a helmet, get a Goldrim. These are cheap and give up to 40% to all elemental resistances.
  • Jewellery can be difficult to pick, but the best option for easy leveling is to get two Haku rings.

Traditional Spellcaster
This is the most basic leveling build for generic builds that use spell damage. It’s perfect for people who intend to use Frostbolt or Magma Orb, or any other spell-based damage later on. You’ll be using spells throughout the game to scale your damage properly.

Right from the start, put on all your leveling gear and take Freezing Pulse as your reward. Make sure you put it in your Lifesprigs if you don’t have a +1 level Tabula. Spells don’t have a ton of support gems off the bat, so don’t use the Tabula just yet. In fact, leave it in your inventory until you need it, because wearing armor reduces your movement speed.

Once you hit level four, grab Volley Support. At level eight, add in either Added Cold or Added Lightning (or both if you have a +1 Tabula). At level ten grab Flame Dash for increased movement. Hitting level 12 is the big one.

Once you’ve hit level 18, grab Controlled Destruction and Elemental Focus.

Summoners don’t want traditional spell power as it doesn’t increase minion damage. As such, you’ll want an entirely different build, even for leveling. This will save you a lot of Orbs of Regret in the long run. Grab the same leveling gear and Freezing Pulse. Level the same way up to level eight, then switch to Summon Raging Spirits.

At level eight, your links should be Summon Raging Spirit, Melee Splash, and Minion Damage. At level 18, add Minion Speed and Melee Physical Damage. Throw in Elemental Focus if you can afford the mana. Eventually, make your sixth link Spell Echo. This will make you cast faster, and make more Spirits.

Summon Raging Spirits should be able to get you to maps easily.

As usual, feel free to mess around with the skill tree. This one will likely be the same for most summoner builds until levels 50-60 (or so). Then, you’ll want to focus your build and go Spectres. Either way, here’s a mock tree for when you hit levels in the mid-60s. Also, a easy way for you to gain poe orbs fast is to poe buy currency on U4GM. If you want to buy cheapest currency, just make sure to spare some time to join in our site.